Emergency Contacts
Find organisations to contact in the event of an emergency in Lincolnshire
Find your emergency contact
What is the risk you are experiencing?
Coastal Flooding
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Extreme Cold Weather
Loss of gas or electricity
Malicious Attacks
Pandemic Flu
River, Surface Water and Groundwater Flooding
Animal Disease
Find your emergency contact
Enter a postcode
We ensure that families, communities and businesses are better prepared for large-scale, major emergencies that could occur in Lincolnshire.
Our partners share responsibility to continually develop Lincolnshire’s resilience in the face of large-scale emergency situations, with guidance and support from lead government departments and agencies, local authorities, emergency services, NHS bodies, utilities providers and communication providers, and transport companies.
Follow our guidance and sign up to alerts to receive advice on what actions can be taken to prepare for the risks in Lincolnshire.
In the event of an emergency, you should stay informed with advice and guidance during the incident.
- Tune into media announcements via radio, television and social media
- Visit the website's live incident feed
- Stay close to your phone in the event of emergency alert text messages
You should also standby for advice from the emergency services and follow all instructions given.
All risks to the county require preparation to ensure that there is a robust infrastructure of response and recovery in place to deal rapidly, effectively and flexibly with the consequences of all kinds of civil emergencies, including both threats and hazards.
What is being done to become
better prepared?
Lincolnshire Resilience Forum aims to inform families, communities and businesses on how they can prepare themselves for large-scale, major emergencies in Lincolnshire.
The close collaboration of LRF partners is not limited to responding to emergencies, and dealing with the aftermath, it also includes a continuous programme of behind the scenes activity in planning, preparation and development of response strategies for potential emergency risks in the county.
Ready For Anything Volunteers
Ready For Anything is an innovative scheme, for individuals who want to volunteer to support our emergency responders and communities during and after crisis.
Anyone can volunteer for the scheme as long as you live in Lincolnshire, are relatively fit and well and able to get around the county. If this sounds like you then we would like to welcome you to our emergency volunteer family.