About Lincolnshire LRF
What is a Local Resilience Forum?
The formation of Local Resilience Forums (or LRFs) is designed to help prepare for, respond to, and recover from major emergencies or incidents that may occur across the United Kingdom.
LRFs exist across the entire country and are made up of expert partner organisations working together from the public and private sectors within defined regions aligned with Police Force areas. In Lincolnshire the boundary of responsibility covers a total of 2,292 miles and a population of over 750,000.
Prepare, respond and recover
Local Resilience Forums are activated to assist in responding to large-scale emergencies when a combined multi-agency coordination would result in a more effective and efficient outcome. Any one of the partner agencies can also activate the LRF when there is a requirement for more capacity beyond their own resources.
Emergency situations that may require action from an LRF include severe weather events, coastal or inland flooding, acts of terrorism or other sudden dangerous situations which seriously threaten people’s welfare, the environment or our security.
- Saving lives
- Relieving suffering
- Protecting property
- Preventing further damage to the environment
- Preventing the impacts of a disaster getting worse
- Restoring normality as quickly as possible
The close collaboration of LRF partners is not limited to responding to emergencies, and dealing with the aftermath, it also includes a continuous programme of behind the scenes activity in planning, preparation and development of response strategies for potential emergency risks in the county.
LRF partners work together to ensure that the necessary plans are in place and regularly test and prove the plans to ensure that every organisation is able to respond as quickly and effectively as possible as part of the wider LRF collective response.
LRF activities continually improve the ability of institutions and communities to work together to prevent, deal with, recover and learn and adapt from the disruption to enable positive change.
- Connecting organisations, communities and individuals to help protect the future prosperity of the region in relation to the risks it faces.
- Providing a joined up approach across partnership organisations to address issues of resilience.
- Ensuring the most effective use of the partnerships’ combined resources.
- Assessing local risks and their associated impacts.
- Collectively developing capabilities to offer the best possible outcomes in an emergency.
- Communicating the local risks, so people are aware of them and understand what they can do individually, or as part of their business or community to prepare for them.
- Prepare for and address the chronic (long-term) stresses likely to impact Lincolnshire in the future.

Stay informed
Lincolnshire Resilience Forum aims to inform families, communities and businesses on how they can prepare themselves for large-scale, major emergencies in Lincolnshire.

Continually developing
Lincolnshire’s resilience
LRF partners share responsibility to continually develop Lincolnshire’s resilience in the face of large-scale emergency situations, with guidance and support from lead government departments and agencies, local authorities, emergency services, health, utilities providers, communication providers and transport companies.

Ready For Anything Volunteers
Ready For Anything is an innovative scheme, for individuals who want to volunteer to support our emergency responders and communities during and after crisis.
Anyone can volunteer for the scheme as long as you live in Lincolnshire, are relatively fit and well and able to get around the county. If this sounds like you then we would like to welcome you to our emergency volunteer family.

The Chair of the LRF is Mark Baxter, Chief Fire Officer, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue. The LRF Secretariat is Ian Reed, Head of Emergency Planning and Business Continuity, Lincolnshire County Council.

Find your emergency contact
Guidance on electric scooters and bikes
This guidance covers the use of e-scooters and bikes.
Guidance for Cycle Sportive Events
This guidance has been written by Lincolnshire County Council Highways and Lincolnshire Police with the aim of assisting in the organisation and running of safe, legal, and successful non-competitive cycling events within the county
Guidance for Lincolnshire Tractor Run Organisers
This guidance document outlines the process organisers need to follow to register a tractor run on the highway and provides advice to organisers to ensure that these events can be carried out safely and legally.
This policy covers both the unauthorised use of drones and model aircraft over event sites and also the authorised use of drones and model aircraft whether by persons given permission by event organisers or by third parties who have requested to film the event.
Fire Risk Assessment Templates
In addition to a Risk Assessment a separate Fire Risk Assessment needs preparing for your event.
Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Firework Information
Follow the attached guidelines if you intend on having fireworks at your event
Are you signed up to receive flood warnings? If not call the Environment Agency Floodline on 0345 988 1188 to see if your area receives free flood warnings.
Discover how you can be better prepared to deal with flooding, with suggested protection methods from the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum.
Some of our partners