About Lincolnshire LRF

Prepare, respond and recover

Local Resilience Forums are activated to assist in responding to large-scale emergencies when a combined multi-agency coordination would result in a more effective and efficient outcome.  Any one of the partner agencies can also activate the LRF when there is a requirement for more capacity beyond their own resources.

 Emergency situations that may require action from an LRF include severe weather events, coastal or inland flooding, acts of terrorism or other sudden dangerous situations which seriously threaten people’s welfare, the environment or our security.

Local Resilience Forums develop, implement and coordinate multi-agency responses and action plans focussed on; 
  • Saving lives
  • Relieving suffering
  • Protecting property
  • Preventing further damage to the environment
  • Preventing the impacts of a disaster getting worse
  • Restoring normality as quickly as possible

Some of our partners