Evacuate your Home
For your safety before the flood
Before you leave
Move things upstairs or to a higher place
Put flood products in place (such as flood doors if you have them)
Put sand or soil in bags across doorways, down the toilet & in the sink
Switch off gas, water & electric supply
Lock doors & windows
Let someone know where you are going
Check on your neighbours
if you find someone needs help contact the emergency services.
Take these items with you
Medicines & prescriptions
Bank cards & money
Mobile phone & charger
Warm & waterproof clothes
Baby essentials
Pets, their food, lead & a carry case
Home insurance documents & a list of contacts
ID documents, driving licence & passport
Toiletries & a towel
Guidance on electric scooters and bikes
This guidance covers the use of e-scooters and bikes.
Guidance for Cycle Sportive Events
This guidance has been written by Lincolnshire County Council Highways and Lincolnshire Police with the aim of assisting in the organisation and running of safe, legal, and successful non-competitive cycling events within the county
Guidance for Lincolnshire Tractor Run Organisers
This guidance document outlines the process organisers need to follow to register a tractor run on the highway and provides advice to organisers to ensure that these events can be carried out safely and legally.
This policy covers both the unauthorised use of drones and model aircraft over event sites and also the authorised use of drones and model aircraft whether by persons given permission by event organisers or by third parties who have requested to film the event.
Fire Risk Assessment Templates
In addition to a Risk Assessment a separate Fire Risk Assessment needs preparing for your event.
Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Firework Information
Follow the attached guidelines if you intend on having fireworks at your event
Are you signed up to receive flood warnings? If not call the Environment Agency Floodline on 0345 988 1188 to see if your area receives free flood warnings.
Discover how you can be better prepared to deal with flooding, with suggested protection methods from the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum.
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